Validity in Observational Studies - dealing with bias and missing values

Last update: 1 July 2015

Mar. 9 - 13, 2015 at Colonia Court Motel Conference Centre (next to the bridge), 305 Fitzherbert Avenue, 4410 Palmerston North, New Zealand.

EpiCentre/Massey cordially invites for this 5-days course:

VALIDITY IN OBSERVATIONAL STUDIES – dealing with bias and missing values

Limited to 25 participants

Course Leader: Professor Ian Dohoo, Author of the Textbook “Veterinary Epidemiological Research”, Atlantic Veterinary College, Prince Edward Island, Canada.

Detailed information and registration: HERE

This course covers 2 topics essential for producing valid results from observational data:

  • Bias (and quantitative bias analysis)
  • Dealing with missing data

Familiarity with linear and logistic regression is recommended.

5-days introduction to three fundamental types of bias (confounding, selection bias, and information bias) including causes of the bias, approaches to preventing the bias, at design and analysis stages, and an evaluation of the potential impact these biases could have on study results.

In the missing data section we will discuss the evaluation of missing data patterns in a data set. Options will be reviewed for dealing with missing data such as likelihood based multiple imputation and analysis of imputed data.

Computers: participants are expected to bring their own laptops for hands-on exercises.

Excel and Stata will be the primary software used, but coding for other software (R and SAS) will be included.

Lecturers and tutors:

Professor Ian Dohoo (Atlantic Veterinary College)
Professor Cord Heuer (Massey University)
Naomi Cogger (Massey University)
Emilie Vallee (Massey University)

Fees: $1,500 for 5 days including tea breaks and lunch; accommodation and diners are participant’s own arrangements. Individual day(s) registration is possible at $350/day. Massey enrolled students or staff are eligible to 50% discount.

Payment and Registration : Click here

Last update: 1 July 2015