Diagnosis and control of Trypanosomes and their vectors in animals and humans in SEA

Last update: 6 February 2018

Jan. 15 - 20, 2018 at Philippine Carabao Center, Luzon.

A BioZoonoSEA workshop

Biotechnology Platform for Research and Training on Parasitic Zoonoses in South East Asia

Under the umbrella of the BioZoonoSEA Platform, the Faculty of Veterinary Technology, Kasetsart University (FVT/KU), Bangkok, Thailand, will co-organise with the Philippines Carabao Center (PCC), Central Luzon State University, CIRAD, IRD and CMU (Central Mindanao University) an Open workshop on “Trypanosomes and their vectors in animals and humans in SEA” and a Training-Workshop entitled “Training on Diagnosis and control of trypanosomes and their vectors in Carabao”.

These workshops will gather participants and organisers from Philippines, Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia and France.

These Workshops and Trainings will address T. evansi, the parasite responsible for an animal disease called surra, and its vectors (tabanids and stomoxes), which both impact human and animal health. Trypanosoma evansi is an animal parasite which may occasionally infect humans as seen in a recent case detected jointly by BioZoonoSEA platform and the Oxford Clinical Research Unit, in HoChiMin, Vietnam.

These Workshops and Trainings aim at:

(a) sharing knowledge and experience on trypanosomes and their vectors: diagnosis, epidemiology, impact and control of the disease, as well as trapping, biting fly identification, studies of transmission mechanisms, epidemiological impact as vectors and ways of control;

(b) developing skills on biting fly trapping and identification as well as on various diagnostic techniques for trypanosomes including ELISA and molecular techniques among participants; and,

(c) supporting the strengthening of the country’s veterinary services to control Surra in accordance with international standards set by the World Organization for Animal Health (OIE); and,

(d) developing joint research projects amongst French and South East Asian research institutions and universities.

These workshops are planned to be held on 15-20th January 2018; coordination will be placed under the supervision of Pr Sathaporn Jittapalapong (FVT/KU), and Dr Alan Dargantes (CMU), with technical advices from Dr Marc Desquesnes (CIRAD). They will take place at the Philippine Carabao Center, National Headquaters and Gene Pool, Central Luzon State University, Executive Avenue, Science City of Munoz, Nueva Ecija, Philippines.

This series will include:

- A half day Open Workshop / Conference on “Trypanosomes and their vectors in animals and humans in South East Asia”; this open workshop will gather around 50-60 people from various horizons of buffalo breeding, sanitary authorities and politics.

- A 4.5 day Regional Workshop-Training, which will gather 15 participants from the PCC National and Regional Centres, and other participants from the Philippine universities (Mindanao and Luzon) and veterinary services, for a total of 20 registered participants. The programme will cover:

  • A buffalo sampling carried out inside the PCC before and during the WS;
  • Field and laboratory insect trapping sessions and identification;
  • A laboratory training and practice on site, on the buffalo samples collected at PCC, Luzon, focussing on serological (ELISA) and molecular diagnosis techniques (PCR) (all protocols, reagents and disposal provided by the organizing committee) ;
  • Analyse of the laboratory results, discussion of the epidemiological situation, recommendations for control of surra and its vectors.

The FVT/KU, coordinating institute, obtained a financial support by the French Embassy, Bangkok, for the organisation of this workshop & Trainings, which will provide to our colleagues a great opportunity to learn and share their experiences and to develop collaborative projects in the Mekong Sub-Region.

Leaflet Training-Worskshop description PCC2018

Last update: 6 February 2018