2013 SELTAR Call for Projects

Last update: 23 September 2013

IRD’s regional pilot project on Soils, Waters, Coastal Zones and Societies facing Risks in Southern and Southeast Asia

The SELTAR project of IRD, the Frecnh Research institute for Development and its partners has successfully started in 2012. Expecting that funding will be available in March 2013, the board has decided during its annual meeting, Paris, 7 December 2012, to launch the 2013 call for projects mid December. The deadline is 31st January 2013.

The Regional Pilot Programme (RPP) on:

Soils, Waters, Coastal Zones and Societies facing Risks in Southern and Southeast Asia (SELTAR) has been started successfully by IRD and its partners in 2012. Expecting that funding will be available in March 2013, the board has decided during its annual meeting, Paris, 7 December 2012, to launch the 2013 call for projects mid December. The deadline is 31st January 2013.

Proposals will be sent to Christian Valentin, Bernard Moizo and Michele Bouchez
The application form and the procedure of evaluation are attached.

The reviewing and scoring process by the Scientific Committee will be finished by 1st March and the final funding decisions taken by the board by 15th March 2013.Do not hesitate to disseminate this information to your colleagues and partners.

Prof. M.S. Mohan Kumar, IISc, Bangalore, India ; Chair
Oloth Sengtaheuanghoung, NAFRI, Vientiane, Laos ; Deputy Chair
Christian Valentin, IRD, Bondy, France ; Executive Director
Bernard Moizo, IRD, Montpellier, France ; Deputy Director

The main goal

of the Regional Pilot Program SELTAR ‘Soils, Waters, Coastal Zones and Societies facing Risks in Southern and Southeast Asia ‘ is to forecast, assess and mitigate risks related to:

  • Natural disasters,
  • Diseases and zoonoses,
  • Economic and social crises,
  • Global changes

This IRD initiative is based on a long term North-South cooperation between research teams. It has been built with a scientific community of more than 200 Asian and French research teams involving over 350 scientists. The expected outputs are:

  • To stimulate Regional and Multidisciplinary research projects that address crucial emerging issues faced by Asian societies.
  • To mobilize research interest/studies and raise funds from both Asian and European countries.
  • To contribute to capacity building through pluridisciplinary approaches and exposures to complex problems and crisis in the region.

Last update: 23 September 2013